Ivy Ye

Senior Sales Consultant

0425 860 299

Balwyn - Canterbury

308B Whitehorse Rd


03 90068977

My Story

Ivy’s innately helpful nature was the ideal attribute for her previous career as a school teacher. Unbeknown to her at the time, Ivy’s personable, caring approach was also directly applicable to real estate, and once identified, her new career was borne.

Now an established agent, Ivy utilises her bilingualism in Mandarine and English to help residents of the Eastern suburbs find their dream homes. Her patient, positive, and reliable attitude creates comfort and consistency for her clients, while her detail-orientated style devises options and opportunities that assist her clients achieve their best results.

With outstanding communication skills, approachable attitude, and her drive to see her career reach its full potential, Ivy is the ideal ally during the sales process.

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Our Properties

Balwyn - Canterbury

308B Whitehorse Rd


03 90068977

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