Kim Britt

Senior Property Manager

0414 994 339


Level 1, 28 Carpenter Street

03 9592 8000

My Story

When experience is key, Kim can be relied on as a senior Property Management specialist with years of consulting expertise at leading agencies around Melbourne. Joining the team at Buxton Brighton she brings energy and passion to her role with an infectious smile, exemplary work ethic and friendly manner.

Kim’s interest in property began during her own journey of investing, renovating and selling homes, with a keen interest in period architecture and interior design she knows the importance of managing assets. Taking the stress out of the rental process Kim invests in her landlords with regular phone contact and relationship building, providing a highly personalised brand of client service.

A mother of 4 young children Kim is highly organised, a multi-tasker who keeps her cool even in the most difficult situations. Effective communication and a big picture outlook assist her with the demands of a busy property portfolio, whilst keeping up to date with reforms and regulation changes keep her ahead of the game. She derives great joy from training staff and meeting clients, the face-to-face aspect of her role at Buxton Brighton.

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Our Properties


Level 1, 28 Carpenter Street

03 9592 8000

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