Carly Charles

Property Manager

0431 531 255

Geelong East

85 Garden Street

03 5246 7600

My Story

Carly Charles is a natural for real estate. Having done the hard yards in a family business since she was 19 as well as building her first house when just 21, it was only a matter of time before the industry and herself made the match official.

Carly has joined Buxton Geelong East in the newly created role of Rental Field Services Officer, a role which she has definitely sunk her teeth into. She is responsible for the day-to-day client routine inspections, mid-week open homes and the meticulous task of report formulating; an area where she excels with an incredible eye for detail. Her open lines of communication and attention to client needs and support are great features of her application to her role.

Away from the office, Carly loves travelling and camping with friends and family as well as heading out to some of Geelong’s amazing restaurants for dinner. She is the first to admit that she is a closet ship nerd and loves spending time by the sea or down at the heads with her kids watching the ships sail passed.

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Our Properties

Geelong East

85 Garden Street

03 5246 7600

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