Rose Patterson

Director of Property Management

0430 480 992

Hampton East

918 Nepean Highway

03 9555 0622

My Story

Rose Patterson joined the real estate industry over 30 years ago as a junior cadet at Morley's First National Real Estate in Elwood. She developed a real enthusiasm and passion for the industry, which lead her to join the TBM team as a portfolio manager. During her eight years of employment there, she initially managed a varied residential portfolio, but later concentrated exclusively on management of commercial and industrial properties.

Later, Rose joined the City of Port Phillip's Valuation and Property Management Department, where unique tenancies along the foreshore such as Stokehouse, Donovans, Luna Park, Vineyard, Palace and Palais were part of Council s portfolio of properties, as well as residential tenancies in the precinct. Rose gained a widely diversified and useful knowledge of local government legislation and procedures whilst at Council, which broadened her knowledge of the property management market.

Her desire to gain further knowledge lead Rose to explore the management of Bodies Corporate, where she joined Melbourne's Specialist team at Property Essential. The portfolio consisted of residential and commercial high-rise strata buildings and managements in central Melbourne, Beacon Cove and in Melbourne s business district.

Throughout her many years in the real estate industry, Rose has continued ongoing training with the Real Estate Institute and various colleges to ensure in keeping abreast of changes to legislative procedures to, the Residential Tenancies Act, the Retail Tenancies Act, the Sub-Division Act and Body corporate regulations.

Rose was appointed to join the Buxton Group at Hampton East to manage a predominantly residential portfolio and her diversified real estate background has attributed to her success in property management today.

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Our Properties

Hampton East

918 Nepean Highway

03 9555 0622

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