Agent Life - The Lockdown Edition: Angelo Nikitas



In Agent Life: The Lockdown Edition, we catch up with our Buxton agents at home to find out what they've been up to since lockdown restrictions were imposed in August.

For Buxton Bentleigh Sales Consultant & Auctioneer, Angelo Nikitas, lockdown has allowed him to reflect on how the industry has changed because of the lockdown, and provided him time to focus on being a healthier, happier, more focused and successful agent. 

What’s your prediction for the post lockdown market?

I expect a high volume of transactions will take place in the first 3-6 months as we know there is a significant backlog of vendors/buyers that haven’t been able to transact as a result of the Stage 4 lockdown. With record low interest rates, unprecedented government stimulus packages to be put in place for the most affected of industries & the initial Covid shock now certainly over, we will see an upward pressure on prices and the market surge ahead by up to 15% over the next 2 years.

 What’s been the upside for the industry?

A greater utilisation of technology with an increased use of electronic contracts/authorities and Zoom meetings with clients has shown us all that we can all be a lot more efficient and effective with everyone’s time. Finally being able to work from home, in the car or while going for a walk and avoiding the noise of a real estate office, yet still being super productive is a big plus.


How will lockdown help you as an agent?

It will help me to a have a more balanced lifestyle moving forward giving all areas of my life an equal amount of energy and not just having work as the main focus. Being healthier and happier will certainly make me a more focused and successful agent.

Who are you isolating with?

Me, Myself & I 😊

Describe your lockdown routine?

Waking up with an attitude of gratitude, checking in with loved ones, maintaining a good level of fitness and trying to keep those extra Covid kilos at bay, listening to podcasts of the best agents in the country, reading self-help books, re-evaluating and setting new goals and learning some more recipes. Most importantly being kind to myself and befriending my soul. 


Angelo Nikitas

What’s the first thing you’ll do post lockdown?

Go out to my favourite restaurants and visit family/friends.

Where’s the first place you’ll travel? 

Depending on what routes are on again, anywhere from Perth to QLD and then Singapore when possible, as Europe seems a long time away at the moment.

What shows are you hammering on Netflix?

SBS World Movies and Seinfeld. 


Angelo Nikitas is a Sales Consultant & Auctioneer at Buxton Bentleigh and can be contacted via mobile on 0412 161 877 or email Follow Angelo on Instagram @theangelonikitas.