Agent Life - The Lockdown Edition: Mark Nunn



In our new column, Agent Life: The Lockdown Edition, we catch up with our Buxton agents at home to find out what they've been up to since lockdown restrictions were imposed in August.

Though lockdown hasn't been easy for any one, our fam in Regional Victoria have been fortunate to not have to navigate the same Stage 4 restrictions imposed in Metro Melbourne, and as a result, our Buxton Ballarat team have continued to lead the pack in the regional city's property market. Though the 'commuter life' isn't a new thing, the pandemic has seen a huge increase in city dwellers seriously considering a tree change. We caught up with Ballarat Director, Mark Nunn, to chat more...

What’s your hot tip for buyers and sellers post lockdown?

Buyers get to your banks and get your loan pre-approvals in place. The buyers that are prepared and ready to act are the ones that are being successful. 

Sellers absolutely get your property ready to go onto the market. The demand for properties is high which is achieving outstanding prices for our vendors.

What’s been the upside for the industry? 

Less properties on the market has meant an uplift in prices and demand.

What’s your prediction for the post lockdown market? 

Busy. Many buyers wanting to move out of the city and into regional Victoria. We believe demand for Ballarat homes will remain strong.

How will lockdown help the industry? 

We have seen lots of industry change their ways of working. The main one being more people working from home. 

We believe with more people in their homes they will be able to look at their own property more closely and have the ability to add improvements to their home for sale more so than in the past.

How will lockdown help you as an agent? 

Allows us to increase our digital profile and we have been able to bring in more sophisticated tools such as Zoom and Microsoft Teams to virtually inspect properties for genuine buyers.


Who are you isolating with?

My family: my wife and three kids. 

What’s one thing you really took for granted Before Lockdown? 

Playgrounds! My kids love going to the playground so it's good these are open again!!

What’s one thing you’ve learned about yourself during lockdown? 

Resilience and positivity. During this time I have been able to remain upbeat and positive about any situation that has presented to us.

Describe your lockdown routine?

Exercise before work in the morning, work throughout the day then home for dinner, bath and story time with the family.

What’s your favourite lockdown activity? 

Kicking the footy with my son and jumping on the trampoline with my daughters.

What’s the first thing you’ll do post lockdown? 

Eat at a nice restaurant in town.

Where’s the first place you’ll eat?

Probably The Forge or Moon and Mountain.

Where’s the first place you’ll travel? 


What’s on your Spotify heavy rotation? 

Acoustic covers.

What shows are you hammering on Netflix? Comedy movies. Always up for a good laugh :)


Mark Nunn is the Director of Buxton Ballarat and can be contacted via mobile on 0409 412 518 or email, and you can follow Mark on Instagram @marknunnbuxton.