Congratulations to our Auctioneer Accreditation Graduates

For the past twelve weeks, participants have been put through their paces as part of Buxton’s Auctioneer Accreditation Course. We caught up with Buxton Sales Agent, Owen Bowditch, to learn more about the course and what skills it has taught him.

“The Buxton Novice Auctioneer accreditation program focuses on practical skills, industry knowledge and personal growth to assist our Auctioneers to stand out from the crowd and further solidifies Buxton’s position as an industry leader in what is a very competitive market. Our Buxton novice Auctioneer Accreditation program is a formal 8 week course guided by renowned industry leader, Mathew Cox. Each week it is wonderful to watch our novice auctioneers grow and refine their auctioneering skills. Watching their incredible journey of growth is infectious.” Buxton CEO, Marcus Williams tells us.

 Owen was in a class of 20 students, from young sales agents to seasoned operators, all hoping to add the auctioneering string to their bow. But irrespective of where you are in your career, Owen said that you should expect to be challenged.

Learn how to think on your feet

 As Owen pointed out: “Initially, I thought it would be about having confidence. But, instead, the challenge is how much you have to think about at once.”

In addition to delivering the perfect pitch, auctioneers have to be able to calculate on the spot, in their head, without losing their train of thought. “If you’re really good at math, you might not necessarily be good with words and vice versa.”

 The auctioneer also needs to read the room, respond in an instant to whatever is happening. ‘If there are pauses, or you’re trying to get another bid, you need to influence that, know what to say and when.”

 Like any negotiation, there is a lot at stake when a property goes under the hammer. “You can say the wrong thing, at the wrong time, in the wrong way and that can cost your vendor.’ The pressure is on. Every reason to learn from the experts.

Tutored by the best in the business

 As Owen explained: “We had Buxton Director, Mathew Cox. He ran the whole course and has called thousands of auctions. He has a really unique style. Quick paced, high on energy, he goes a million miles a minute and it was great to understand what’s going through his head. Rohan Cleary from Buxton Oakleigh reinforced the importance of structure, whether you’re auctioning a $15 million waterfront home in Brighton or a bottle of wine for a charity. Tai Menahem, Buxton Ashburton, and Aidan Oke, Buxton Mentone, shared their pre-auction rituals. They really brought home how much preparation is involved.”

 Research, writing, rehearsing

“The whole week before, auctioneers can be getting their head around the property and writing the script, rehearsing in front of a mirror. So by the time Saturday arrives, they’ve called five or six practice auctions for the property. By then, it’s well and truly in their head.”

In preparation for Accreditation 

While Owen has completed the course, it’s not over until he receives Accreditation. For this, he needs to conduct a mock auction in front of the judging panel.

To this end, Owen has been practising at home, presenting his auction pitch, in front of his partner, Manae “Last night she joked that she’d bought six properties this week, adding that I could put down the deposits.”

Professional credentials

In addition to adding to his CV, Owen wanted to complete the course after seeing Buxton Director, Mathew Cox, in action. A top auctioneer can break records. Also, Owen explained, Mathew’s auction reputation precedes him, so much so, property vendors seek him out. 

Buxton has more than 30 offices in its network so places at this Auctioneer Accreditation Course fill quickly - it’s yet another example of Buxton’s commitment to excellence and developing the next generation of top-tier auctioneers.

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Auctioneer Accreditation
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