How to identify a home with 'good bones'


Have you ever wondered what it means when a property has ‘good bones'?

A house with good bones is usually a house that might be old but has retained its structural integrity. So, if you’re looking to upgrade the property, you shouldn't find yourself spending excessive amounts of money on fixing fundamental problems.

In this blog we go through the tips and tricks in finding a home with ‘good bones’ that will help you when going through an open for inspection!

If you're in the market for a fixer-upper, then one with good bones is the ideal purchase because you'll be able to put your money and time towards enhancing the property.

Even if you're not a construction expert, you'll identify many of the problems if you know what to look for and reassuringly, if you do fall in love with a property, you'll always be able to use a building inspection as your second opinion!

Some things to look out for in your next open for inspection are:

Basic warning signs

The big red flags to watch for are cracks in foundations or walls, termite damage, mould on walls that signal rising damp, plus sagging floors and roof lines.


Hardwood floors are often a sign of a well-built older home, but it may be worth checking that the foundations are not sitting directly on the soil.


Have a look at the quality of the windows and how they are hung. Try to find any sign of water damage around the sills. Try opening and closing windows to see if they catch.


Make sure the doors open and shut easily. A sticky door, or one that won't close, can signal the house has moved.

Ceiling stains

Look out for brown marks that betray a water issue. Pay attention to any rooms directly under an upstairs bathroom.

Wall cracks

These are difficult to assess. Sometimes plaster will crack in heat or cold and not be a structural issue. It's best to point this out to your building inspector for an expert opinion!

Rusty gutters

The gutters themselves can be replaced, but it's the water damage around them that you should look for. Sometimes water can get under the roof and leak into ceilings from gutters, or broken downpipes can undermine foundations.

A home with good bones is one not to pass up, the amount of character and charm older homes have is enchanting!

Good Bones Blog

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