What is a rent-vestor and how you can be one


A clever and increasingly popular way to get into the property market is to become a rent-vestor. Its principle and logic are simple, you buy where you can afford and rent where you want to live! 

So how can you become one?

Younger buyers often adopt this approach when the inner-city and beachside suburbs that offer the lifestyle they want have been priced outside their immediate reach. It can also be smart to think further ahead by buying and then renting a family home in the suburbs, setting yourself up for the future.

It’s handy to know that rent-vesting is a long-term strategy, solid capital gains can take years to achieve, but don’t let that stop you – We have put together some ideas to inspire your thinking about how you can break into the property market:

  • Choose carefully – Select the style of property and your preferred area carefully. You want the home to achieve strong capital gains, but it must also attract tenants and achieve good rent. An empty property will hurt your cash flow.

  • Amenities count – Make sure your target properties have access to good transport, shops, and schools as these are often among tenants' most important considerations.

  • Expert advice – Ensure you enjoy all the financial and tax benefits of owning a rental property by seeking advice from your accountant or qualified financial adviser.

  • Be worry-free – Being a landlord can be stressful when something goes wrong. Consider using a real estate agency's property management team. 

  • Reserve cash – It's a great idea to have money aside for any one-off repair costs and those times when the property lies empty as one tenant leaves and another moves in.

If rent-vesting is something you are considering, check out our offices to find your closest office and get in touch with us today to see how we can help you with all your property needs, from finding you a property to managing your new investment!