The value of colour
Posted by Buxton Lifestyle - 6 April 2019
Posted by Buxton Lifestyle - 6 April 2019
We have used research collected in this 2018 The Secret Agent Report, Colour, which analysed properties from seven different Melbourne suburbs, along with Zillow’s 2018 Paint Colour Analysis assessing which paint colours help increase home sale prices in America to compile a list of colours you should consider using within your home to help improve its sale performance, and other colours you may want to avoid.
Neutral and grey tones throughout the property
It’s fair to say that this finding is no surprise as these colours are so popular to use in homes. According to the Secret Agent Report, neutral and grey tones are the best colours to use if you want to try and maximise the most profit from your property. The report found that these tones were the most prominent in sales for properties listed in Toorak, South Yarra and Carlton with slight variations found in other suburbs, such as Brunswick having a slight green tinge and St Kilda a slight blue tinge.
These neutral tones are typically associated with cleanliness, neutrality and balance – Attributes that most home buyers are looking for in a property.
Image: Jenn Feldman via Becki Owens
Black/Charcoal front doors
According to Zillow, a black front door can increase your property’s sale price by $6,000 US. This is such a low-cost way to help positively influence sale price, so get out your black paint and start painting!
Image: Decor Pad
Tuxedo kitchens
No, we’re not suggesting you dress your kitchen like it’s going to the Oscars, but according to Zillow’s findings, having a kitchen that features upper and lower cabinets or cabinets and kitchen islands in different colours can add over $1,000 US to your sale price. The most popular colour combos include white and black along with white and navy.
Image: The Chriselle Factor
Light blue bathrooms
The colour blue evokes calmness and serenity, so it’s fitting that blue bathrooms (specifically with a tinge of grey) positively influenced home sale prices according to Zillow’s research. If you’re updating your bathroom before sale think about incorporating blues and greys into the space.
Image: El Mueble
Warm tan lounge rooms
Lounge rooms featuring warm tan colours with pink undertones were found by Zillow to add over $2,500 US profit to homes. These types of colours are warm, calming and natural – All attributes we love to have in lounge rooms. Not keen on changing the wall colours? Why not try incorporating the colour through decorative pillows and throw blankets in your styling?
So what colours should be avoided?
Brown dining rooms
Take note: if you’re planning on selling your property, do not paint your dining room in brown tones. According to Zillow’s research, homes with brown dining rooms decreased in sale price by more than $1,500 US. On a brighter note, other dining room colours didn’t really make much of an impact on sale price, so avoid browns and all should be well.
Red toned kitchens
Thinking of using red tones in your kitchen? Think again - Zillow found that kitchens with these colours decreased the sales prices by over $2,000 US. Go for more neutral or classic tuxedo colours if you’re looking to update your kitchen before sale.
Need more handy hints to help increase the value of your home? Read our HOME magazine or catch up with köntrast interiors, Donna D'Paul, who gave us some tips on how to maximise your home's selling potential.