Nestled alongside the Patterson River is this captivating, modernized, two story town residence, perfectly positioned for leisurely walks or cycling along the riverbank. This warm, welcoming townhouse...
Nestled alongside the Patterson River is this captivating, modernized, two story town residence, perfectly positioned for leisurely walks or cycling along the riverbank. This warm, welcoming townhouse encapsulates a sense of home, boasting a large bright living area adorned with stunning polished concrete flooring throughout the ground floor. Spotless kitchen with generous breakfast bench. Downstairs powder room and laundry. Upstairs accommodates two designer bedrooms with built in robes and double glazed windows. Modern central bathroom with sky light and separate toilet. Expansive low maintenance entertainer’s courtyard and a single garage plus extra car space, there is also split system heating and cooling both upstairs and down. It's presented to perfection and will suit first home buyers and investors alike.
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