In this popular “beachside-of-the-highway” corridor, where school zonings, transport and cafes galore combine to equal a lifestyle to envy, it is great to find a home such as this! Offering a spacious...
In this popular “beachside-of-the-highway” corridor, where school zonings, transport and cafes galore combine to equal a lifestyle to envy, it is great to find a home such as this! Offering a spacious layout and easy-care surrounds, this well-presented townhouse is the perfect option for families, whilst the accessible floorplan will also appeal to downsizers. Dual living zones provide space to enjoy, they include a formal lounge with a light-filled aspect out to a central courtyard; in addition to a rear open plan living and dining zone which extends to a secure garden offering ample scope for alfresco dining. Centrally positioned, the large kitchen is well-equipped and offers an accommodating bar for relaxed catch-ups. Two of the three bedrooms along with a bright bathroom and separate WC are desirably located downstairs, whilst the large master occupies all of the first level and features a clever study alcove, expanse of robes and large ensuite. Including a split system upstairs, ducted heating and multiple fans, the home also offers a large laundry, alarm and double auto garage. Zoned for both Beaumaris and Mentone Girls’ secondary colleges and boasting proximity to Mentone & Cheltenham stations plus great shopping options and beautiful swimming beaches.
For more information about this sunlit home with wide appeal, please contact Emily Whitehead at Buxton Mentone on 0420 997 276
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