In the heart of the family-friendly Parkdale community lies a remarkable opportunity to embrace an extraordinary and laidback lifestyle. This brilliant location, close to parks and schools, offers an...
In the heart of the family-friendly Parkdale community lies a remarkable opportunity to embrace an extraordinary and laidback lifestyle. This brilliant location, close to parks and schools, offers an enviable living experience that is truly unparalleled.
Designed with ingenuity to accommodate every phase of life, this four-bedroom home boasts a dedicated home office area and 3.5 bathrooms, ensuring adaptability to various family lifestyles. Nestled amidst the green expanse of parks, this residence provides a secure and private haven for tranquil family living, characterized by an open and airy floor plan.
With equal main suites on each level, this thoughtfully crafted abode exudes flexibility. It offers a serene setting for family life, complemented by a gleaming kitchen, perfect for entertaining gatherings. Elegant stone countertops grace every surface, extending even to the laundry area. Durable oak floors meet plush bedroom carpets, creating a harmonious blend of practicality and comfort. Each bathroom is adorned with floor-to-ceiling designer tiling, adding a touch of elegance to the space. The spacious double garage is sure to leave a lasting impression!
Discover an additional "backyard" with Marriott and Walter Galt Reserves located just steps away. Enjoy the convenience of being within walking distance to the sought-after Parkdale Secondary College and Parktone Primary School, both just blocks away.
For more information please contact Mathew Cox on 0413 102 224.
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