In a sought-after pocket beachside of the highway, comes this exciting opportunity on approximately 558sqm of land. Situated within the highly-desired Beaumaris and Mentone Girls’ secondary college...
In a sought-after pocket beachside of the highway, comes this exciting opportunity on approximately 558sqm of land. Situated within the highly-desired Beaumaris and Mentone Girls’ secondary college zones so close to amenities, this a property that will reward any investment in spades.
Currently offered is a classic three bedroom/one bathroom weatherboard home that features appealing characteristics including a decorative verandah, high ceilings and timber floors along with a gas heater and modern split system. Giving the potential to provide a comfortable base, rentable asset or renovation project whilst the future direction is decided, there is – however -no doubt that the real attraction lies with the lovely land.
Once cleared, there are the proportions for a fabulous family residence tailored to your lifestyle offering room to spread out inside plus a beautiful garden & maybe a pool for the summer – alternatively, you may consider investigating a possible subdivision (all STCA).
Within moments of bus stops close, just 10 minutes on foot to the station, shops restaurants and primary school, this neighbourhood has parks nearby and is a very easy trip to glorious beaches.
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