Nestled within a serene cul-de-sac in the esteemed Balwyn High School precinct, this exquisite executive residence, spanning approximately 48 square meters, presents an unparalleled lifestyle...
Nestled within a serene cul-de-sac in the esteemed Balwyn High School precinct, this exquisite executive residence, spanning approximately 48 square meters, presents an unparalleled lifestyle opportunity, seamlessly blending generous living spaces with remarkable accommodation.
This classically elegant abode, meticulously crafted, is enveloped by enchanting low-maintenance gardens that provide a tranquil backdrop for distinguished areas dedicated to formal gatherings, family interactions, and adolescent entertainment.
The versatile living arrangements feature a guest suite on the ground floor, complete with an ensuite, alongside five additional bedrooms (the master suite boasting a walk-in robe and private ensuite). An inviting teen retreat and family bathroom occupy the upper level, while an executive study, expansive refined living area with a gas fireplace, and open-plan casual zones—including a spacious Miele kitchen with a butler's pantry—enhance the allure for multi-generational leisure. A deluxe home theatre, equipped with projector and screen, further enriches this remarkable residence.
Sumptuously appointed with stone finishes, a walk-in cloakroom, powder room, and modern heating/cooling systems, this home also features advanced security measures, a double auto garage with internal access, and convenient proximity to Balwyn North Village, public transport, and verdant parklands.
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