Nestled in the trendy heart of Elwood in an older-style 1960’s complex, this boutique apartment has undergone a stylish transformation to create a modern “as new” feel throughout. A fresh coat of...
Nestled in the trendy heart of Elwood in an older-style 1960’s complex, this boutique apartment has undergone a stylish transformation to create a modern “as new” feel throughout. A fresh coat of paint and new timber floors bring vibrancy to the sun-soaked layout, including open-plan living/dining, sleek, well-equipped kitchen, 2 bedrooms, chic bathroom and car space. Sure to capture the hearts of market entrants, investors, young couples and Bayside lovers, situated across the road from Tennyson Street shops, minutes to Glen Huntly Road & Ormond Road shopping, Elsternwick Park and all the attractions of the Elwood lifestyle, and just a few minutes from the beach.
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