Graced with alluring period character, this charming Californian Bungalow is accentuated by a prime family-friendly neighborhood set within the coveted McKinnon Secondary College zone. Heartwarming...
Graced with alluring period character, this charming Californian Bungalow is accentuated by a prime family-friendly neighborhood set within the coveted McKinnon Secondary College zone. Heartwarming personality and timber floors permeate traditional lounge (with fireplace and stylish plantation shutters) and dining room, extending to an expansive open plan kitchen/meals and family room. French doors open to a wonderful covered deck/verandah, overlooking a sizeable rear garden, primed for recreation and entertaining. Abundantly accommodating, 3 bedrooms with robes + 4th bedroom/study, 2 bathrooms, are complemented by lifestyle comforts including ducted heating, evaporative cooling, security doors, alarm and 3 storage sheds. Situated in a premium location a pleasant walk to Joyce Park, McKinnon train station and McKinnon primary & secondary.
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